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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on How to Manage Safety Incidents at Workplace

Every organization faces challenges in managing the health of its employees and their working environment. In various industries, workers are prone to hazards caused by faulty equipment, volatile materials, and inefficient safety procedures. Managing such work-related injuries and illnesses becomes a priority as these incidents cannot be controlled by traditional methods. Therefore, most organizations adopt incident management software that helps them manage workplace safety effectively.

Managing safety at work involves a lot of activities for assessing, investigating, and avoiding on-site hazards and accidents. In modern-day working premises, these activities need safety tracking software such as Preverly to make incident management efficient. But, before using safety incident management software, it is important to understand the main concepts involved with these activities.

Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) aimed at explaining the main concerns related to safety incident management. By knowing the answers of these questions, your organization can prepare better for managing safety at work.

1. What is a workplace incident?

In a workplace, an  incident can be defined as an unplanned event that affects a worker, resulting in injury, illness, or even death. If your organization faces multiple work-related safety incidents, your employees’ occupational health is at great risk. As a result, your employees will not feel confident in working for your company. This can stop them from coming to work and maintaining productivity in their activities.

On-site incidents harm the health of the affected person(s) and impact business outcomes adversely. Serious workplace safety incidents can lead to fatalities, causing your company to shut its operations down. Today, these dangerous occurrences can be tracked by safety tracking software and monitored with safety management tools. Like every organization, your company should improve its occupational health and safety by reducing and preventing these safety incidents.

2. What type of procedures are involved in the management of incidents at work?

Workplace safety is a broad organizational process, where incident management plays the most pivotal part. There are various methods of managing safety incidents at work. With the help of proper safety incident software, these methods can be controlled and performed at a higher efficiency.

The main features of safety incident management procedures include:

  • Incident reporting: Recording the incident at the time of occurrence and escalating this incident report to medical response teams and higher authorities.
  • Corrective action plan: Implement a strategy as an immediate response to the incident based on the latest safety protocols and corrective actions.
  • Investigation and analysis: Conducting a thorough on-site investigation on how, why, and where the incident occurred to analyse its root causes and find insights for preventing its occurrence.
  • Incident tracking: Monitoring the status of the incident by checking the conditions of the damaged property and updating information on the health of the affected worker(s).
  • Report generation: Creating detailed reports on the incident based on the data collected from the above procedures.
  • Incident assessment: Studying these reports and evaluating how this recordable incident can be reduced or entirely avoided in the future.

These procedures can be managed collectively with the help of Preverly safety incident management software. The software also helps in configuring these procedures as per your industry-specific needs.

3. Who controls the safety incident management of a company?

When the incident takes place, the first person responding to the incident is the safety manager of your organization. The primary role of safety managers or on-site managers is controlling the situation where the incident happened. They are the first authority to get notified about the incidents. To control this incident, sending a medical response team to the site of the incident is the first activity of safety managers.

Your organization should make sure that your safety managers are highly trained in handling safety incidents. They should be up to date with Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) protocols. And, each employee should be able to easily contact the safety managers while escalating an incident in real-time.

4. How does safety incident management software help in this process?

As a safety incident management software, Preverly plays a dynamic role in the incident management process. It acts as an effective safety incident tracking software for KPI-based incident tracking. It also acts as a safety observations management software, where it helps in uploading photos, videos, and other documents related to incidents. Collectively, Preverly helps in collecting accurate data on the incident, which is further repurposed for management actions. In this way, safety incident management software like Preverly plays a central role in this entire process.

5. How to communicate while managing work-related safety incidents?

Real-time communication is mandatory for managing work-related safety incidents. And, the best way to establish such communication is with online mobile connectivity. Hence, mobile apps built for workplace safety play a crucial role in managing safety incidents. For example, the Preverly mobile app helps in establishing real-time, live communication between employees and safety managers. In turn, it also helps in notifying the on-site medical team for a quick response. Furthermore, Preverly mobile app also helps in communicating new safety procedures and EHS updates to employees. Such notifications help in training the workforce for improved workplace safety.

6. What are the primary actions involved in safety incident management?

There are four primary actions involved in safety incident management. These actions need to be performed in the early stages of managing safety incidents. If these actions are performed properly, the safety incident can be managed more effectively.

  • Sending medical response team to the site of the incident
  • Preparing an initial detailed report on the incident
  • Collecting evidence for incident investigation
  • Assigning corrective actions to the proper people

The safety managers mostly perform these actions. Therefore, the safety managers of your organization must perform them with high accuracy. They can use safety incident software like Preverly, which can help them perform these tasks quickly and precisely.

7. How to collect feedback after managing safety incidents?

A well-functioning incident management process runs on data, which needs to be collected at every step of the process. An important point of data collection is feedback. This feedback contains information shared directly by affected workers and witnesses. With the help of safety incident management software, data from every source can be collated in the incident report.

Preverly helps in collecting incident-related feedback via the Preverly mobile app. The software has a centralized location to collect and store feedback from all incident-related employees. From on-site workers to first-response teams, the input is collected at various levels of the organization. This way, your organization has enough data to make the incident management process more efficient. Moreover, feedback on suggesting changes in the existing management process can also be shared directly by employees to safety managers via the Preverly mobile app.

8. What happens when you make a mistake during safety incident management?

Mistakes during safety incident management can lead to a severe impact on the health of employees as well as the business operations. Hence, it is mandatory to perform management activities cautiously to avoid any error or mistake.

Nonetheless, mistakes made due to human error can be fixed or prevented by safety incident management software. For example, Preverly safety software helps safety managers avoid data-related errors by categorizing information and creating pre-set rules for recording incidents. In addition to this, the software enables safety managers to encourage sharing safety information within the organization so that someone else may avoid a serious mistake during incident management.

9. How should a company prepare for incident management?

The best way to prepare for safety incident management is to enable a strong and reliable safety management system across your organization. By doing so, the incident reporting process can be implemented in all departments of your workplace. Establishing better communication with access to mobile apps and digital kiosks is also essential for preparation. Encouraging people to take photos and videos of the incident can help safety managers get comprehensive data immediately. At the end of the day, being prepared for incident management means capturing as much information as possible and sharing its vital details with everyone involved.

10. Which safety incident software has the best management capabilities?

Preverly safety software offers great safety incident management features. It is accessible on the web and mobile platforms and can record data in multiple formats. The incident tracking process by Preverly is evaluated with multiple KPIs. As a safety observations management software, Preverly also assists safety managers in monitoring the working conditions in real-time. With multiple app integrations, Preverly safety software gives hands-on access to the best management tools for safety managers. In this way, managing safety incidents at the workplace become easy with Prevelry.

Are you interested in finding more on how Preverly workplace safety software manages incidents? Have a look at our brochure and contact us for more information at

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